Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a gentle, non invasive, body oriented psychotherapy that is helpful for the healing of trauma, attachment and developmental wounds. It draws on contemporary, science based understandings of the human brain, behaviour and experience. This somatic psychotherapy works with the understanding that we do not experience pain, trauma, loss, shame and grief just in our head, but also in our body.

I was drawn to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy through my years of study and practice of bodywork, yoga and mindfulness. I have discovered it helps understand, and disentangle the organisation of our experience, heal our wounds, transform habitual, automatic responses and attitudes, and become a more integrated ‘whole’ person.

Who is Sensorimotor Psychotherapy helpful for?

When clients first come to my online Sensorimotor Psychotherapy practice in London it is often because they sense a disconnection between mind and body. They might feel unable to get in touch with emotions, feelings, or their body. In other cases they might be highly attuned to their body, often due to physical practices such as martial arts or sports, yet they still feel a sense of emotional numbness. Other clients might feel constantly emotionally upset and be in a lot of physical discomfort, but not know why.
Jon Gee - Psychotherapy in Harley St London W1

Why is Sensorimotor Psychotherapy so relevant to trauma, attachment and developmental issues?

We all need survival systems in order to survive. When we feel upset or under threat our autonomic (read automatic) nervous system might trigger the fight, flight, freeze, friend or submit responses. Those responses are designed to be automatic. They happen so instantaneously that we might not even realise they are there, especially if they have become ingrained in our daily experience of life. They do not always come with big obvious labels on them – we have to learn how to recognise them, and how they are affecting our thoughts and behaviours.
These behaviors are often triggered by early memories. “But…”, I can hear you saying, “I can’t remember anything that would cause that?”. Neuroscience teaches that when we experience disturbing, upsetting or traumatic events, the brain often scrambles our memory. This means we only retain snippets of memory of the event or events, and sometimes none at all. However our bodies DO remember. When we are reminded of those events we might get ‘triggered’, and our body responds just like the event is happening right now.

What are examples of being ‘triggered’?

Did you ever lie awake at night remembering something you did, or said, that you’d rather not have done, and your heart starts racing…and then you can’t sleep?
Did someone say something apparently innocuous, and you suddenly felt overwhelmingly embarrassed, angry, or ashamed and felt your cheeks flush and your heart thump?
Did you ever receive a text or email that on the one hand seemed harmless, but you suddenly felt nervous and your palms got sweaty, or your shirt collar felt hot and tight?
Our emotional responses are tied to our bodies. Our bodies are tied to our emotional responses. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can help break unhelpful patterns and return to a more peaceful state.

How does Sensorimotor Psychotherapy support and heal trauma, attachment and developmental injuries?

Our survival systems are triggered when we feel threatened by a memory or feeling from our past. Clearly this can be unhelpful and distressing in our daily lives. Sensorimotor psychotherapy provides resources, or tools to soothe and stabilise such survival systems. Furthermore such resources help bring us back safely to the present moment. Once we are in a place of safety, deeper, healing work can take place.
It’s a little like learning how to dive. First we start off in a shallow pool and learn how to get comfortable using the oxygen tanks, and then slowly and gradually get deeper. We might feel apprehensive in this exploration, therefore it is important our guide never pushes us beyond where we are ready to go. In addition, a good guide will teach us to have confidence to sense, and to communicate where our boundaries are.
When we dive deeply, and safely we can discover our child parts within. We can process, heal and transform our pain by acknowledging, listening to, and understanding these parts. However, it’s important to recognise that sometimes children (or our ‘child parts’) might not want to talk about what hurt them. It might feel too frightening. Rather than pushing these parts, we instead help them discover a safe place where their fear and pain is acknowledged. They are often surprised to find how strong they really were, and are, even if they don’t feel it.
Jon Gee - Psychotherapy in Harley St London W1

Do you practice Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in London, or online?

I am currently based in London and run my online psychotherapy practice online on Zoom. I can also work on Skype and Facetime.

Is there a difference between online Sensorimotor Psychotherapy sessions and face to face Psychotherapy sessions?

Great question! Some folks are concerned that online psychotherapy sessions might not match the same experience as face to face (in the same physical room) psychotherapy sessions. They’re right – they don’t.

I have worked as online psychotherapist for a number of years and found that, like any therapy, the most important factor in achieving success is collaboration and communication. Of course, there are limitations working online. I won’t always be able to pick up on all body language, such as feet and hands – but I’ll encourage you to let me know when you notice things moving and shifting! Creative solutions can and do grow from limitations (and it can be fun too!). In addition to the limitations, there are also advantages. For example clients can find some things easier to say from behind a screen. As a result working online can actually deepen connections and lead to exciting explorations, of both relationship, and self. Furthermore, if you are working from home, having an online therapy session means you might not have to rush out onto the streets post-session. This can allow you time to process and assimilate the work that has been done during the session. To find out more about having a great online psychotherapy experience, check out these video tips.


How often do online Sensorimotor Psychotherapy sessions take place?

Online Sensorimotor Psychotherapy sessions are held weekly and last for 50 minutes.

Where do sessions take place?

Online Sensorimotor Psychotherapy sessions take place on Zoom. I can also work on Skype and Facetime.

Booking & Fees

My current fees for online psychotherapy can be found here.

To inquire about availability please contact me via the form below.

Get in touch!

If you’d like to find out more, please privately message me here.