Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) or DBR Therapy, is a gentle, non-invasive, body-oriented therapy that is helpful for the healing of trauma, attachment and developmental wounds. Deep Brain Reorienting aims to access the core of a traumatic experience by tracking the original physiological sequence in the brainstem. The brainstem is the part of the brain which rapidly comes online in situations of threat or danger. An example of brainstem activity might be when we have a strong reaction in an argument with a partner. We may have felt threatened in a way that replicated an early experience of abandonment. In such a case our brainstem will be reactivated by an earlier experience in infancy which, at the time, would have been an age-appropriate fear for survival.

I was drawn to Deep Brain Reorienting through the recommendation of trusted colleagues. After experiencing it firsthand, I have found it both healing, and helpful in gaining a deeper, experiential understanding of why we feel, act and think like we do. It has been developed, researched and written about extensively by Dr Frank Corrigan.

Why Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) helps with trauma, attachment and developmental issues

As children, we need help understanding and regulating our emotions. When we face traumatic experiences like neglect, abuse, or other forms of mistreatment without the protection or loving contact of caring others, we can feel an intense core pain of aloneness. This profound isolation can drive overwhelming emotions such as fear, rage, grief, and shame. Without a safe outlet for these feelings, it becomes difficult to regulate distressing emotions, often leading to unhealthy coping strategies.

In an attempt to survive and move on, a young person’s brain might compartmentalise these distressing feelings. These compartments, formed in the upper levels of the brain, can become parts of the self that act independently when they take control. These parts may become so shut off from day-to-day awareness that they don’t keep up with the passage of time in the outside world, behaving as if they are still in the traumatic situation. Sometimes, they lose contact with the lower levels of the brain, resulting in a limited range of emotional responses. At other times, they disconnect from the part of the self that knows where it is in the present moment/time/space, and they act in ways that are out of sync with their age and life circumstances.

Some therapeutic approaches work primarily with these isolated parts of the self, getting to know them and increasing their communication and cooperation, as well as helping them orient to the present. While these methods can be effective, they don’t always address the underlying pain of aloneness and abandonment. In Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), the focus shifts from the upper-level parts of the self to the core emotional pain and the intense emotions of rage, fear, grief, and shame that arise from deep wounding.

Deep Brain Reorienting

How Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) works: A step by step overview

In general, working in therapy at a deeper level is challenging because the brain has previously turned away from intense pain to protect itself. However, now that we are older and in a different situation, we may have the capacity to explore this pain in a way that facilitates healing at the core of our trauma and abuse history. As our brains have continued to develop around this core pain, it might now be possible to approach it from a new angle. The upper-level parts of the self, which have worked hard to shield us from this pain, might feel alarmed by this approach. However, these parts are also suffering, and their coping mechanisms may not align with our current lives.

In Deep Brain Reorienting, we ask these parts to allow us to work at this deeper level, with the goal of helping all parts of the self. The pain is common to many, if not all, parts of the self, so deep-level healing can benefit our whole self. Inevitably, this process involves more contact with emotional distress, therefore we approach slowly and safely, using an anchor to provide protection against dropping too deeply or quickly.

By working in this way we can protect against overwhelm during sessions and thus gain a new perspective for working with the upper-level parts of the self.

Deep Brain Reorienting should be experienced as a slow and careful journey, leading to an increased sense of care and compassion towards the parts of ourselves holding trauma memories and the defences around them. Through this process, a sense of compassion and understanding can emerge, fostering healing and integration.

You can see more of the science laid out in these short, wonderfully-illustrated videos.

What can Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) help with?

Deep Brain Reorienting can be useful for people looking for clarity, understanding and deep healing. Most people I work with feel some sense of disconnection between mind and body. Their emotions, feelings, or body might feel difficult to sense, understand or access. Emotions might feel stuck. They might feel constantly emotionally triggered, getting easily upset or angry. Alternatively, they might be very attuned to their body, through physical practices such as martial arts, sports, or dance, yet they still feel a sense of emotional numbness, confusion, anger or upset. They might feel they are sabotaging themselves or their relationships and not know why. In all of these cases Deep Brain Orienting may provide a path towards healing. Depending on the needs, wishes, and consent of the individual I may interweave other psychotherapeutic modalities through the therapeutic journey. I will always ask for feedback to ensure the work feels useful and relevant.
Jon Gee - Psychotherapy in Harley St London W1

Does Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) work online?


I have worked as an Online Psychotherapist for many years. Even in the days when I was working face-to-face, many of my clients were travelling internationally, or permanently located abroad. I’ve found that, like any therapy, the most important factor in achieving success is collaboration and communication. Of course, there are limitations working online. I won’t always be able to pick up on all body language at all times, such as feet and hands – but I’ll encourage you to let me know when you notice things moving and shifting! Creative solutions can and do grow from limitations (and it can be fun too!). In addition to the limitations, there are also advantages. For example clients can find some things easier to say from behind a screen. As a result working online can actually deepen connections and lead to exciting explorations, of both relationship, and self. Furthermore, if you are working from home, having an online therapy session means you might not have to rush out onto the streets post-session. This can allow you time to process and assimilate the work that has been done during the session. To find out more about having a great online psychotherapy experience, check out these video tips.

Visual learning resources – short videos to learn more about how Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) works

You can learn more about the science behind Deep Brain Reorienting by watching the short videos below curated by Dr Hannah Young, co-author of ‘Deep Brain Reorienting: Understanding the Neuroscience of Trauma, Attachment Wounding, and DBR Psychotherapy – by Corrigan/Young/Christie-Sands‘ and Dr Frank M Corrigan.

Whilst the book itself is a fascinating deep dive, these informative DBR videos are brief, fun, accessible, and especially helpful if you are a visual learner. I hope you enjoy them, I did!


The first video in this series, ‘Deep Brain Reorienting: A Brainstem Model’, introduces a neuroanatomical model of immediate responses to trauma, the theory underpinning Deep Brain Reorienting, a psychotherapy developed by Dr Frank Corrigan. Walking us through the sequence of brain activation, Dr Hannah Young describes the deeper brainstem structures involved in orienting and autonomic changes in the body.

In this second video in the series, ‘Deep Brain Reorienting: Freeze Responses’, Dr Hannah Young revisits the three main brainstem structures underpinning Deep Brain Reorienting, a psychotherapy developed by Dr Frank Corrigan. She explores their association with various types of freeze responses.

In the third video of this series, ‘Deep Brain Reorienting: Dissociation’, Dr Hannah Young revisits the three main brainstem structures underpinning Deep Brain Reorienting to examine their hypothesised involvement in dissociative symptoms, a neurobiological theory of dissociation.

I’m interested in having DBR Therapy. How often do online Deep Brain Reorienting sessions take place?

Deep Brain Reorienting sessions are held during weekly 50-minute psychotherapy sessions, generally as part of ongoing therapy work.

Booking & Fees

To inquire about my current availability, please contact me via the form below.

My fees for online DBR psychotherapy can be found here.


Get in touch!

If you’d like to find out more, please privately message me here.